The Flagstaff County Podcast
Known as the "Community of communities," Flagstaff County consists of 10 rural communities in east central Alberta. Together, these communities create a region that boasts an affordable cost of living, plenty of year-round recreational opportunities, friendly steering-wheel-hand-waving folk and a quiet rural lifestyle.
The Flagstaff County Podcast
Lasting Legacy
How many people can say that something they've created is in a museum? Flagstaff County Parts Technician Kelly Harris can. A lavish Russian coronation cloak that Kelly created during her time with the Czar Theatre Guild, as well as some Fabergé eggs that she had a hand in creating, are housed at the Royal Alberta Museum in Edmonton. Kelly, now a Sedgewick resident, discusses her lasting legacy, and how it all came about, with Flagstaff County Communications Coordinator Cary Castagna.