The Flagstaff County Podcast
Known as the "Community of communities," Flagstaff County consists of 10 rural communities in east central Alberta. Together, these communities create a region that boasts an affordable cost of living, plenty of year-round recreational opportunities, friendly steering-wheel-hand-waving folk and a quiet rural lifestyle.
The Flagstaff County Podcast
Tradition, history and dancing!
With the Red Serge Ball happening next month, Flagstaff County Communications Coordinator Cary Castagna sits down with Noreen Metz, program manager of Flagstaff Victim Services, and Jessica Docksteader, program facilitator of the Family Resource Centre in Killam, which is operated by the Parents For Fun in Flagstaff Society. Flagstaff Victim Services and the Parents for Fun in Flagstaff Society will share the proceeds from the impactful evening designed to honour our RCMP and other first responders.